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It's the most wonderful time of the Year!

It has been an incredibly exciting time in the EYFS over the past two weeks, we have immersed ourselves in all things Christmas and although there has been an incredible amount of fun and play, the learning certainly has not stopped!

We have transformed our classroom into a festive grotto, with every area of learning having a festive twist. To name just a few...

In our writing area we have been writing in hot chocolate powder, this has been an enticing way to get even the most nervous writers having a go at forming their letters and building CVC words. We have of course been writing Christmas cards and letters to Father Christmas and posting them in our wonderful class post box.

In our Maths area we have been using our subitising skills to read the number on a dice then our counting skills to count out the correct number of bows to decorate the Christmas jumpers. We have also been recognising numerals and counting the correct number of buttons onto snowmen.

In our playdough area we have made snowmen using googly eyes and real twigs, this was a highlight and we had some lovely creations. We have also had some sparkly green dough and had a go at rolling and cutting out tree shapes which we later decorated with beads and pipe cleaners.

In our creative area we have made name snowmen, we worked our cutting skills by cutting out segments of the snowman's body, followed by a hat and finishing it off with a friendly face and the letters in our name. We have also made some gorgeous Christmas cards which we hope are taking pride of place in your homes now!

In our clever finger (fine motor) sessions in the mornings we have been busy compiling our Christmas wishlists by cutting up toy catalogues and sticking our favourite toys onto stocking outlines - this was so popular that we had to roll it out for a second week! 

We have done a lot of dancing and yoga over the past couple of weeks and we finished off the term with a fantastic Christmas party, we ate, danced and made perfect party crowns!

We have proved this past fortnight that learning through play is so incredibly important and children learn the most when they are having fun.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)