Y4 News
Sunday 2 March 2025 Exploring the work of William Morris To start our new design and technology project off, we've been exploring the works of one of the most famous print artists, William Morris. We explored the patterns and designs of his most famous works' and exploring his inspiration in nature.
Friday 14 February 2025 Clay crafting This week, we have been excited to explore the wonderful world of clay crafting, where creativity meets tradition. This week, we have focused on a unique project inspired by the famous Bankura Horses of Bengal. Our sessions aim to not only refine our students' clay skills but also immerse them in the rich cultural heritage behind these artistic creations.
Friday 31 January 2025 Stamping around! This week's art lesson saw us turn our attention to the natural world. We combined a variety of printmaking techniques and materials to create a print on a theme and to represent the detailed patterns found in natural phenomena, such as water, weather or animal skins.
Wednesday 8 January 2025 Observing the world around us Year 4 have had a busy first week back, this week, getting stuck into their new geography topic Misty mountain, winding river and continuing their discovery of states of matter.
Friday 20 December 2024 Christmas in Year 4 Ho, ho, ho! We've had a ball celebrating Christmas in Year 4 over the last few weeks! From a delicious turkey dinner, to questionable jumpers. From marshmallow towers to Grinch mathematical code breaking we've had a great time getting into the festive spirits!
Thursday 28 November 2024 Tomb Raiders in Year 4 This week we have got our teeth stuck into our DT project for this term - pneumatics! We explored what pneumatic devices are, can be used for and how we use them in every day life. Initially we explored what balloon based pneumatics were before creating syringe pneumatic networks.
Friday 15 November 2024 Dinner time for the birds of East Farleigh Well, it's been a hoot and a half for our forest school and outdoor learning day in Year 4! Our little fledglings have been flapping their creative wings in forest school. Armed with saws, drills, and a whole lot of enthusiasm, they've been busy building bird feeders for our feathered friends in East Farleigh. After all, it's not just us humans who appreciate a good dinner time!
Friday 8 November 2024 What's the matter? This week, we encouraged our students to explore the concept of matter in its various forms. We discovered that matter can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. For instance, children observed how ice (a solid) melts into water (a liquid) and how water can then turn into steam (a gas) when heated. This exploration helped them grasp the idea that all matter is made up of tiny particles that behave differently depending on their state.
Friday 4 October 2024 Islamic tiles in Year 4 Our exploration of Islamic Art has seen us produce some stunning Islamic inspired tiles this week. We further developed our clay skills, from Year 3, by using slip to help smooth and glue elements together.
Friday 20 September 2024 Year 4 Outdoor Learning day This week we enjoyed a day of getting outside and learning outdoors. We all had an excellent forest school session with Mrs Le Beau before practising out map setting skills in orienteering. We rounded off the day giving our school garden some TLC, planting some bulbs ready for a colourful spring.
Friday 13 September 2024 Islamic art in Year 4 In year 4 we have been learning all about Islamic Art, and how simple geometric motifs can be repeated to create visually stunning patterns.
Thursday 12 September 2024 When computing meets science in Y4 Continuing our topic of 'Sound' in science this week, we explored the hypothesis What Patterns Can You Find Between the Strength of Vibrations and Volume of a Sound?. The children chose how they'd test this before recording their results using the decibel meter coded onto our Micro:Bits.