Tuesday 4 March 2025 The EYFS celebrate Shrove Tuesday! We had a lovely day on Tuesday celebrating Pancake Day! The children made pancake collages in the creative area, role played their pancake flipping on the playdough table, wrote shopping lists for their pretend pancakes on the Writing table and practiced their tricky word reading by flipping the pancakes that they knew. We also had a special Topic lesson where the children got to decorate their own pancake with fruit, raisins, lemon juice or honey.
Thursday 27 February 2025 River's Rats and Rodents visits the EYFS This week we had an exciting visitor in the EYFS, River came to say hello and he brought with him 5 exciting pets: a lizard, a tortoise, a corn snake, a long-haired guinea pig and a dumbo rat! This experience truly enriched our weekly focus of pets and gave the children an opportunity to learn about some more obscure pets, they practiced their speaking skills by asking lots of questions and I was so proud of how many of them stroked and held the different animals. What a fabulous start to the new term and our 'Animal Safari' topic!
Friday 7 February 2025 Chinese New Year in the EYFS This week in the EYFS we have been learning about and celebrating the Lunar New Year!
Friday 24 January 2025 Run, Run As Fast As You Can! This week in the EYFS we have been reading the story 'The Gingerbread Man' as part of our Stories and Rhymes topic. We couldn't pass by the opportunity to make our very own gingerbread men so that is what we did! In our topic sessions the children took it in turns over the course of the week to weigh and combine the ingredients, form and roll the dough and cut and bake the gingerbread men. They were delicious! The children have not only developed their baking skills this week but this activity has enabled them to explore language involved in cooking, for example weight and capacity: more, less, half full, full etc., techniques: knead, roll, cut, mix etc. and words to describe the sensory aspect of cooking: squidgy dough, delicious biscuits and so many more!
Thursday 9 January 2025 Our First PE Lesson This week the children in the EYFS took part in their first ever PE lesson! This term we will be teaching the children a programme called BEAM, this stands for Balance, Education and Movement. The BEAM programme is designed to work children's gross motor skills, they will also have the task of following instructions and mirroring positions made by their teacher or peers.
Thursday 19 December 2024 It's the most wonderful time of the Year! It has been an incredibly exciting time in the EYFS over the past two weeks, we have immersed ourselves in all things Christmas and although there has been an incredible amount of fun and play, the learning certainly has not stopped!
Friday 13 December 2024 Our First Nativity! We are so proud of our littlest learners in the EYFS for performing in their very first Nativity! They shone so brightly and sang so beautifully. Thank you to all the parents and extended family that came to watch and support us!
Friday 6 December 2024 Brrrr! We're off to the Arctic! This week in the EYFS we have been learning all about animals that live in the Arctic and Antarctic! We have located these places on a map and had a sensory ice tray as part of our Understanding The World learning, made polar bear collages as part of our Creative Art and Design learning, looked at numerals and finding the corresponding amount of 'marshmallows' for hot chocolate in Maths, wrote about and drew our favourite arctic animals in Writing, played with small world animals to develop our personal, social and emotional skills and worked out fine motor skills by making igloos out of blocks and Lego!
Friday 29 November 2024 Diva Lamps for Diwali! The children in the EYFS enjoyed making their own Diva Lamps as part of our Diwali focus. We learnt about the significance of the Diva lamps and how they are used to celebrate Diwali, the festival of light as part of our Understanding the World topic. The children worked their fine motor skills to shape the clay around a tea light, they learnt that if they use the warmth from their hands to warm up the dough, it would become more malleable. Then we got creative with the metallic paints! To further develop their Creative Art & Design skills, the children were given the choice of different metallic colours and used brushes to paint them in many different, beautiful designs.
Friday 22 November 2024 Dia de los Muertos The EYFS had a fantastic week learning all about Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), the Mexican celebration of life.
Friday 15 November 2024 Remembrance and Poppies in the EYFS We have had a very special week in the EYFS learning all about Remembrance Day, why it is important that we mark this occasion every year and the symbolism of the Poppy.
Friday 15 November 2024 Children in Need in the EYFS! The children have had a fantastic day today, we learnt why the charity Children In Need do the work they do and we had lots of Pudsey themed activities to enjoy! I think the best (and tastiest!) part of the day was making Pudsey biscuits - yum yum!
Friday 8 November 2024 Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes This week in the EYFS we have learnt all about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate Bonfire Night! The children loved learning about the Gunpowder Plot and were fascinated by the gunpowder being hidden underneath the Houses of Parliament!
Friday 25 October 2024 Happy Halloween! The children have thoroughly enjoyed ending the term with a week all about Halloween! We have made potions and Halloween soup, did some pumpkin printing and cauldron paintings, role played as Halloween characters, wrote some Halloween themed CVC words and many more exciting activities!
Friday 18 October 2024 Autumn Time This week in the EYFS we have been exploring all things Autumn! The children have enjoyed a range of different activities in their child initiated using a wealth of natural Autumnal objects.
Friday 11 October 2024 We're Going on a Bear Hunt... This week we have been discussing journeys, our book this week is the classic 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen and the children have enjoyed lots of activities based on the story!
Thursday 3 October 2024 Magnificent Me! The children in the EYFS have been busy creating self-portraits over the last week. I'm sure you will agree they have done an absolutely brilliant job and their art work has made our corridor so bright and inviting.
Tuesday 1 October 2024 The Colour Monster This week in the EYFS our topic is 'My Emotions' and our book is 'The Colour Monster'. The children have loved listening to the story and identifying the different emotions felt within the book. We have had discussions about times when we have felt those feelings and ways we can work through them.
Wednesday 25 September 2024 Making the most of the outdoors! We have been getting outdoors and soaking up the sunshine in the EYFS over the last week. We have been working on our gross motor skills on the climbing equipment and spent time on the astro doing a circle time where we spoke about our senses and all the wonderful things we could see, hear, smell and feel in nature. We have also been loving our outdoor area, making some dinosaur shadow art, constructing obstacle courses and of course cooling down in the water tray!
Friday 20 September 2024 Buddies! This week we assigned the new EYFS children a Buddy from our Year 6 class. The children spent some time together playing in the EYFS classroom and outdoor area and getting to know each other. The Year 6 children have been amazing at looking out for the EYFS children on the playground, giving them a friendly smile and even playing together. We look forward to seeing their relationships flourish over the year, we will be awarding our Buddy Cup at the end of each term to one special Buddy Duo.
Tuesday 17 September 2024 Food for Thought! This week in the EYFS we have been using food for some sensory play. We have made some herby playdough by adding rosemary, coriander and mint to some plain dough. This activity has been great at developing the children's fine motor skills, they have used scissors to cut the herbs and playdough tools such as rolling pins and cutters to shape their dough. We also took the food outdoors and had a 'Fruit Punch' making station in the water tray! We mixed water with orange squash and gave the children oranges and apples to explore. The children used kitchen equipment to cut, mash and juice the fruit which they then mixed/whisked with the squash. The children thoroughly enjoyed role playing making and serving fruit punch and were engaged in this activity for a long time!
Friday 13 September 2024 The First Week for the EYFS! What a fantastic first week at school it has been for our new EYFS children! We have begun teaching Phonics straight away and this week the children have learnt the sounds 's', 'a', 't' and 'p'! They have been very keen to begin mark making and have even had a go at writing some of the sounds.