Y5 News
Wednesday 26 February 2025 The Darkest Dark by Chris Hadfield This week be began our new writing unit based around the story, 'The Darkest Dark' by Chris Hadfield. Our first lesson was an oracy based lesson. We made predictions about the book using the front cover and explored a range of images linked to the text. The children used all the skills they have been learning to support them in debating questions about the images. Very well done Year 5... a great start to the unit!
Thursday 30 January 2025 Fabric Crumbs! Today we had such a lovely afternoon! We continued our 'Mixed Media' unit in art by learning about different fabrics and started to make our 'fabric crumbs'. Year 5 had to carefully select fabrics using their understanding of line, texture, shape and colour and layer them carefully to create a fabric collage. We will be continuing these over the coming weeks and look forward to sharing our final pieces with you. Well done Year 5 - you are amazing!
Sunday 26 January 2025 Norse Poetry This week we have been continuing our writing unit on myths and legends. We have been looking at settings, characters, magical objects and animals in the Norse World and used our findings to create poems. Well done Year 5 - you have written the most amazing poetry!
Wednesday 15 January 2025 Geography of Greece
Friday 10 January 2025 Presenting Maths! In maths this week, we have been learning about adding and subtracting fractions including mixed numbers. Year 5 have not only excelled at their mathematical learning but it has been so lovely to see them presenting their learning to the class. In oracy, we have been practising presenting in small groups. It is wonderful to now see how naturally the children are transferring these skills in different lessons. Well done Year 5!
Thursday 9 January 2025 Mapping out Mythology! A very exciting start to the new term in Year 5... we have been mapping out mythology! Our unit this term in writing is focused around the book, 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'by Joe Todd-Stanton. We began this week learning about Norse Mythology and discovered who some of the villains, heroes and monsters are and where they lived in the Norse world. We will be continuing to learn about mythology this term and are looking forward to writing our own myths at the end of the unit and sharing them with you.
Thursday 19 December 2024 Designing a market garden This week we have used all the disciplinary skills we have been learning about in geography to design our own market garden in our 'Innovate Journal'. We had to decide a suitable location and give a six-figure grid reference using an ordnance survey map. We then had to describe the geographical features of our site and why we had chosen it. We used our knowledge of seasonality to create a planting and growing plan and decided how we would transport our goods using the transport links in our local area. Well done Year 5 - you are 'Great Geographers!'
Thursday 19 December 2024 Year 5 Autumn Term Art Gallery Year 5 have worked incredibly hard this term on their final 'Expressionism' pieces. Here are a sample of their amazing pieces of art...
Wednesday 13 November 2024 To Space and Beyond... Year 5 have begun their learning about Space in Science. They began by researching information about Tim Peake and then presenting their findings during our class oracy assembly.
Wednesday 13 November 2024 Year 5 Fabulous Flowers! Year 5 have been learning about parts of the flower in Science. Over half term the children created 3D models of a flower to help them remember their learning. Here are some of their amazing creations!
Wednesday 16 October 2024 Exploring Expressionism This week we have continued our art unit 'Expressionism'. We have been working with different colour schemes to see the impact this has on our portrait work. Year 5 have worked so hard and produced some amazing work in their sketch books. We are really looking forward now to completing our final pieces over the next month.
Friday 4 October 2024 Year 5 Sow, Grow, Farm
Friday 20 September 2024 Year 5 Expressionism Art
Friday 20 September 2024 Year 5 Loving Learning! What a busy week Year 5 have had with some amazing learning!